That’s when the fun begins. The client directs you to a pile of dirt and says, ”somewhere over there”.

So you start with a simple design, and before long, the simple pond has planters, is 5’ deep, has a tall arch, and an underwater shelf for plants and a place for the fish to hide.

With custom projects the design process can go a number of ways, like client knows exactly what she wants, or the client has a concept, or the client want you to provide a design.
In this case the client was open to suggestion, yet actively participated to edit and contribute. Below is an example the client edited to clearly illustrate what she’d prefer to see. And additionally the client had a special request that we reuse bricks she salvaged from her neighborhood.

With a solid concept clearly established, the detailed design followed. The design specs included fully rendered drawings, brick by brick, to insure there were no misunderstandings with the brick layouts. Also detailed drawings and specs for the piping, electrical, water treatment and controls were provided.
This is part of the pump house. Several control valves diverted water to the various features. A variable speed pump was programmed to provide three steps of water flow. Water treatment was chemical free and included a biological filter and UV sanitizing. Upon completion the owner was able to operate all the features and water flow scenarios from her iPad.

The water features included a King Neptune spout, two scuppers shooting water, and a sheer descent (waterfall). All of these features were automated to allow various scenarios of operation.

A highly skilled mason was essential to this project. The brick work was fairly elaborate, and benefited from our meticulous mason.

And when you catch you client enjoying a reflective moment by the tranquility of her koi pond, you realize that it all came together nicely, and was an endeavor worth pursing.
